Thursday, March 31, 2011

Memphis Rocks My Socks

Hello world. I realize it's been awhile since I've posted. I'm sure you're all upset and whatnot that I haven't had anything exciting to talk about in weeks. =) But no more of that sadness! Put a smile on and sit back as I bore you with details of my solo road trip out to Memphis this past weekend.

My best friend, The Stage Manager, moved to Memphis last fall. She was offered a job at a theatre in Midtown, right there in the heart of Memphis. She's the assistant stage manager and I'm oh so proud of her. Anyways, I hadn't seen her since the Christmas break, and that's just too long for us to not be around each other, so I decided to make the road trip out to see her. The drive was only about 7 hours or so...sigh. I used to love long car rides...I now realize that's only because I didn't have to drive when I was younger. I got to sit in the back seat and read a book, listen to my personal cd player, do word search puzzles, or watch movies when my mom got the cool van with a dvd player in it. But no, driving 7 hours alone, is not something I thoroughly enjoy. Luckily, my friend Disney kept me occupied for a little over an hour of the journey, I also talked with Dad, Grandma, and a few other friends. I listened to NPR for the first time in who knows how long. Listening to other people have conversations definitely helped keep me occupied.

I arrived in Memphis around 11pm Friday. After getting off at the wrong exit, and driving around downtown Memphis for 20 extra minutes, I finally found the theatre where the Stage Manager works. I was so excited to see her! There was nothing too exciting about the evening, other than the constant hugs and squeals of joy at me just getting to be in the same city as her. We had a late dinner and crashed pretty early.

I was amazed at how teeny tiny her apartment is! I remember when she moved in and she called me crying because it was small and dirty and...small. I honestly don't think there's a better representative of an apartment for the starving artist. These interns get paid very minimally and their living quarters are minimal as well. She shares this small, 2 bedroom apt with some guy who also works with the theatre. They get along well enough, I guess, but it's obvious they just try to stay out of each other's way. Her bedroom could definitely be 2 of my closets. Her closet is in her living room. It was so small! I was amazed...but I guess that's the life you have to live if you wanna do theatre. That's how you gotta start out in this biz'ness. =)

Anyways, Saturday rolled around and she took me to the cutest cafe next to her apartment. She says that it rarely looks the same inside because the owners always rearrange the tables, putting different games, table cloths, flowers or other things on the different tables. It was a very eclectic little cafe and the coffee was delicious!

She had to work a little during the afternoon, so I spent my time looking through an old bookstore and going to a local mall to buy a new pair of jeans! Which I did successfully. =) I met the Stage Manager for her dinner break, then she had to go back to the theatre for the Saturday night show: August: Osage County! I had seen the show once on Broadway a couple of years ago. It's definitely a great show, even better if you think you have a crazy family, it will make you feel better about your own life. Such a great show.

Saturday night we went out to a nightclub. It was...interesting. And that's really all I can say about that.

Sunday, more work for the Stage Manager. In true theatre form, her only day off is Monday. So while she did her managing of the stage, I went to her theatre's sister and watched Grey Gardens, another show about a crazy family. It was...interesting. The lead actress was phenomenal, and the supporting cast was good. It was great for a free show, but maybe not something I would see again? It would have been much better had it not been a musical. =)

Sunday night, the Stage Manager and I went out to a fancy dinner. It'd been awhile since I'd gotten all dressed up and I was so glad to be doing it with my best friend. After some yummy spinach artichoke ravioli and a huge chunk of chocolate cake, we decided to hit a local hangout spot with some of her intern theatre pals. It was a fun night, getting to meet everyone and learn more about these people who have been "taking care" of my best friend. I am so thankful for them being there for her, especially since I live so far away from her.

Monday was my last day, and it was a sad/happy day. As I mentioned before, it was her day off, so I was glad to be able to spend most of it with her. She took me to my new favorite home-style restaurant. I ordered hot cakes and they were oh so delicious! Not to mention, the cook added "ears" to them, so they looked like mickey mouse heads! My grandma used to do that when I was little, so happy memories were floating all around me, even up to the wood paneled walls, just like in her house. =) We then did a little shopping, had frozen yogurt, and went to the University of Memphis where we looked at an Egyptian exhibit in their museum. We met an Egyptologist who told us the story of the real mummy we saw (it had spent time in a pawn shop before being studied!)

It was a beautiful day, but ended sadly with me having to drive all the way back home. I already miss the Stage Manager, but knowing that I get to see her again in a few months makes things a little better. She's been with me through so much, and even though we've only been friends for a couple of years, I know we'll be friends forever. So here's to you Stage Manager, I love you and had a great time with you this past weekend. I can't wait to see you again!