Monday, February 14, 2011

Boldness has Genius

Continuing with the same idea as yesterday, I was emailed another quote that I have decided I absolutely love! 

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."  - Goethe

Again, I feel as if this is one of those quotes that makes me want to go out and do something magical, something grand, something I never really thought I could do. Of course, I also realize that tomorrow I might not feel the same way, or I might completely forget that I ever read so fun a quote. Whatever the case, I still think it is a good quote to reflect on. 

I seem to know multiple people who have had so many dreams, like traveling around the world (maybe that's just me!), being cast in a Broadway show, making it in the NBA, living it up in Hollywood...and for some reason, I feel like no one ever really tries to make that happen. I have one friend, who is on her way to stage managing every show on Broadway. She graduated with a theatre degree and has worked her butt off stage managing in small theatres around the U.S. She is now working in a professional level theatre in Tennessee, and the more I talk with her the more I realize how hard she had to work to get even that far. She hasn't met her dream goal of course, but she's working at actually doing it.

So why don't we do that? The examples I gave before about people who have had these dreams, they were all real examples. I talk almost daily about how I want to travel back to Argentina, backpack around Europe, take a cruise, teach English in Spain, etc etc etc...and what have I actually done to make any of that happen? Not a whole lot. I suppose that I could always claim money issues, and it is true that I don't have the funds to just fly across the earth right now, but it's not as if I am saving money to do so either. Right now, I am too focused on making my next car payment or paying off student loans, rather than trying to figure out how to save up for a dream journey.

I have many friends who dream. And we all dream big. I yearn for the day when we can all accomplish at least something on our list, then we can look back on our accomplishments and just be proud of ourselves. 

So, new challenge for you! Dream big, but don't just dream, do something! Do anything, take at least one step closer to accomplishing something you've always wanted to do. Find that perfect hotel, find that next audition, save $10 out of your next paycheck to go towards whatever it may be. Be bold, and be relevant in the world. Go out there and DO SOMETHING.

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